Thursday, February 26, 2009

important info to help

Info: Our subconscious mind number one job is to preserve the body. A SEE or specific emotional experience or markers are lodged in our cells. Why did he act that way to you. Well you projected him. Your subconscious mind brought it up to your face and said heal this. You are losing power and get your power back so the body, mind, and soul can be at peace. That is what I call resolve to evolve. You can do it the old fashion way and that is create more drama and lose more power or create the drama and settle it but then if you didn't take care of the true cause then it will show up again and again.

Info: To explain a little bit more. You are a spiritual being having a human experience you are on two tracks one is love and the other is fear. It is the duality of life. While you are being human you are using your senses and self talk. Self talk with ego or spirit. We use to through spirit. When we are healing mode to help others we are in spirit. But most of the time we use ego. Ego was a tool to help us to identify with matter. We over identified with matter and forgot to use our spirit. But that was intentional we wanted to find out who we are not and now remember who we are. Which is resolving old bad outdated habits, conditions, and beliefs. We are to remember to use the both the feminine and male energy in unity. We must keep our individual while we are uniting. So as we create lessons to learn or write a script to see how to learn, we use ego and negative things to create the experience to understand from that perspective. What is unknown is that we create unlimited amount of perspectives to learn from that we get all twisted up to what is real and what is who we are.

Info: there are many view points to how you perceive him and how you want to perceive him and how you want him to respond.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

LIfe as mirrors. 1

As we live our life we are living through our senses. As we take in life we use our senses. How many people in your Universe? The answer is 1. You and all your reflections. It is very nice that we encounter other loving living souls on this journey. We create an illusion and invite others to help us learn what isn't love compared to what is love by letting go of all the illusions of negativity. This is where mirrors come in to play.

Life as a mirror - If someone in front of you is talking about something else and you hear what you need to hear. This is a clue to healing. What needs to be resolved to evolve. The idea is to learn the astronomical ways of perception or the many ways to seeing a particular thing. Many points of view on one subject. Example. A building is on fire. On each corner of the burning building there is a person viewing it. If you were to interview them they would see and tell the story in 4 different perspectives.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Only 6 things a person can do with their minds!

Did you know there are only 6 things a person can do with their minds? The six things are pictures, sounds, feelings, tastes, smells, and you can talk to yourself. You can do all these internal and externally. They are our Sensory system.

Yes, yes I know in school we only 5 senses but in the world of therapy and what is reality and how we create ourselves to be we have a six sense. No it is not ESP (extra Sensory Perception) All that is is you choose to remember or never forget and choose to hone in and master that ability. That is the higher inner 6 things you can do. Amazing don’t you think? Sorry for the dry pun. But all those things we do with our mind is called our sensory system.

How do we use our sensory system? We make strategies to do things. How to get going. How to eat breakfast. To what do I want for breakfast. When to fall in love. We have a strategy for everything. When I am helping a person heal, I help them by finding out their strategy. Among many other things.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Your body knows how to...

THERE IS NO INCURABLE DISEASE: Only A Lack Of Understanding Of How To Correct It.

Your Body IS Able To Heal!
-Your body knows exactly how to achieve total health. It knows how to eliminate disease, how to increase energy, how to boost the immune system and even how to live longer. Every cell in your body instinctively knows how to heal!- thoughts become things, program yourself healthy.

According to medical science, the human body completely renews itself every 7 years! The cornea replaces itself every 24 hours, the skin every 14 days, the blood cells every 90 days, the soft tissue every 6 months, and the dense tissue every 2-7 years. If the body can regenerate itself, why are we sick, in pain and dying of disease? There is never an excuse for illness, only a lack of understanding how to achieve health and healing.

Friday, January 9, 2009

We see through yin and yang?

Yin and yang stands for – bipolar or plus or minus properties that everything in the Universe can be divided into. If it doesn’t have yin or yang than it is nothing more than pure white light.It is the division of the pure white light into it plus and minus aspects that causes the vibratory rate which causes vibration, which that causes results in the little material particles. The little material particles comes together which then the electrons, protons, and neutrons and forms the atoms. The atoms then form the molecules and then comes into something we can see. We don’t have receptors to see or feel the pure white light.

What is Suffering?

Suffering now is how we programmed ourself and we throughout many life times have come back to resolve to evolve. We used suffering to find out what we were not to remember who were, love. We live in the world of polarity. Each Era there has been a shift of getting out of suffering. In this Era we are discovering that the answer is to choose again and the answer is within. I can stop believing in the illusion. I can detach the emotional and mental ego talk aspect from the illusion. The memory is always there but it won't be in your face. You can remember anytime you choose. The old way was to deal with it until you didn't feel with it anymore. But that only means it is still there. In this Era it is important to heal it.

The only reason we keep doing suffering is because we programmed ourselves that way. We got out our manual for life and wrote it in. we agreed with the illusion. We as babies or in the womb see it and without knowing what to trust we believed that is the way it is.

Our subconscious mind number one job is to preserve the body. So when you are spending life force energy on something that no longer serve you but yet you are still giving life force energy to keep it alive then your subconscious mind will bring it up for you to remember or experience so you will resolve it. We really never had the tools until now. The big difference is enlightenment. When you are viewing it, are you viewing it in the ego or Spirit.

The programs can be imprints, encoding, traumas, paradigms, vows, agreements, contracts, genetics, to name a few.

Another way is that we are out of frequency with Source in order to learn from it. but because it has been a habit we forget to call ourselves back out of the lesson and get ourselves back into alignment.

Source just doesn't us want to focus upon now. That is not enough we need to focus on the whole. Source don't just want us to give your attention to what is happen just now. Source wants us to be aware in the NOW that what we are giving our attention to is serving us. What we are focusing on now matches the choice that we have made and the choice that my Source is making.

As you focus on a particular memory of pain and you use your sense of self-talk (can be either Spirit or Ego in this case Ego) and you now become discourage and sad. You taped into that frequency. Now for every thought you think you create a chemical peptide that plays itself out in the physical body (from acute to chronic) and the frequency is sent out from you to create the reality you are thinking of. You used your power for now and your ability to focus in your now, you fixated on a vibration that your HigherSelf would match up to. Your HigherSelf always sees you Magnificent, whole and brilliant, worthy and capable. When you choose a thought that is very far from that then your vibration of your thought causes resistance within you that doesn't allow your connection to source that would be otherwise.

The vibration of reality. Is that you are whole (highest frequency.) We use thought as the tool to weave in and out of lower to higher frequencies. When we weave into a lower frequency we feel separated. We can feel suffering. We get stuck there because we forget to choose again with another higher frequency thought. Our ego tends to over identify with that frequency and we stay there. Miracle is just a shift in thought. Death is just a shift in thought. We resist going back to the source but it isn't the trueSelf it is the ego self. That doesn't want to die or change. It sees it as death.

How to Read Your Life...

You first must understand how you create it, record it, understand definitions... Education is important.

Life is an illusion - what is an illusion?

According to Merriam-Webster an illusion is - perception of something objectively existing in such a way as to cause misinterpretation of its actual nature and a pattern capable of reversible perspective.

Our life is an illusion. What our soul has to say must be projected out into an illusion so we can live it.

We are Spirit - our spirit is the essence of our Creator. This is the part that we use to communicate with God. This is the part that we call the higherSelf and Holy Spirit. This is the voice that is always positive. This is the part that always wants to serve us. This is the part we are disconnected from. We cannot access this part unless we are intentional. This is the phrase that says God can't help us unless we ask. This is how we ask. We ask through this part. When in meditation we access this through our hearts.

Our Soul - is the part that us that uses our freewill to live out experiences. Our soul uses the ego tool to live out life. The soul uses the yin/yang and archetypes to create different experiences.