I have been doing some great healing. I have been working on the Bladder Meridian and it is about our “Will.” Free Will is the volition to move forward. It is amazing how we come in as babies. It sets up our consciousness for this life. It helps set us up to see how we will react to new (first) experiences. It is to find out if our soul healed something or do we start all over again in the attempt to learn/unlearn from it and hope that we can resolve it and move on to the next lesson. I think I need to write a book on it.
“I wear the chain I forged in life....I made it link by link, and yard by yard; I girded it on of my own free will, and of my own free will I wore it.”
― Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol
“What!! Not again, I thought I learned that lesson” Learn to heal instead of deal and resolve so you can evolve from that. I know it is a long title but it would get people’s attention. Another one would be "Time to heal that" or "How to heal your Hells once and for all".
Anyways, as I am experiencing life, I noticed my daughters reaction just now. I spent some time cutting up fruits to put in my dehydrating machine. I am not big on fruits and neither are the kids. As an adult, you would think we would figure out that kids don’t like what you like and yada yada yada.
Anyway, I have been healing miffed, timid, inefficient and paralyzed will. I was excited that she was willing to try the dried fruits. She just came in with the bag I just created. She grabbed a banana chip and gave a face (hot button-trigger in me), made the puke sound (trigger), said some words (trigger). This time instead of me spinning out with old trained responses, I realized that I didn’t react like I usually did. I am more in my spiritual mindset, I used discernment automatically to figure it out. I see that the old me would have been timid, miffed, said a few words to counteract my hurt feelings and would have begun to tank her, then tell her to get over it, grow up, and one day you will like them. Well, I learned from eating for your blood type, she doesn’t have to like them. We just believe (group conscious wise) that they “HAVE 2” and if they don’t fit in with our “Rules & Expectations” then we go into our human mindset strategies and rules and correct that. We judge it. We do our best to tell people what is best for them based on truths that are relevant to us.
Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. Marcus Aurelius
We can only view people through our lens we have created. People can not show to us any other way then we let them.
I am so glad I am healed from this particular issue. One small step to helping the bigger picture. I didn’t go into the natural human mindset reactions. I didn’t have to judge and hurt others to control or correct that. I was able to give a whole new response automatically. I can’t really explain it, but the experience is priceless and it holds love within the experience so I will stop being afraid or trained to refuse receiving. Because in the human mindset only world, we attached an association with it. Receiving = someone else will control you, or obligation, or hurt will follow. It is high time we heal the hells and learn to not just give because it is the right thing to do. Over time, giving has lost its appeal. We give to those that need it but we give and forget what the true meaning of giving is. We even done it for so long that those that are receiving are enable to stay that way. There is a benefit.
I overheard a conversation. "The only one's complaining are the middle class. The middle class have to take care of the poor and forced to give to the wealthy. The middle class is being drained and soon will be dead. We will revert back to the old days where there are only people who can't really survive and the ones that live high on the hog.
History repeats itself so often that in the human mindset we have literally tried everything to change it. As soon as the idea comes in, we take action to only find out we come up with the same results. Our inner world creates our outer world. Time to change the program in our inner world so we can project a better outer world. I learned if you want one to do or learn or be in a healthier space then be yourself not others. To heal how you "know" it. Heal the emotions that are the ties that bind. Be your true self and not your human mindset self. Heal the hells and the heavens will show. As you walk your talk and talk your walk, you will live it, be it, walk it, talk it and dream it. You will bring your whole self to a relationship verses giving your whole self and undergo doormat, no boundaries and live in what….?